CCEU Report

Staff and the Smoking Ban

The hot topic on campus these days is whether or not Cabrillo should become a smoke-free campus following the lead of many other community colleges and universities across the state. The most recent data from the surveys conducted across our campus among students and classified indicate that only 48% of students are in favor of a smoke-free campus compared to 75% of classified members who want a smoke-free, vapor-free environment. Based on the survey conducted by CCEU, we are prepared to stand behind the “no smoking” policy in all areas of the college.

With this in mind, we certainly don’t want to create an environment of “us” vs. “them,” which would only add more fuel to the fire. Instead, we want to focus our energy on educating ourselves and others on the health risks for everyone when exposed to the toxins of tobacco smoke. While we respect the rights of anyone (students and staff alike) to smoke, the bigger issue here is the effect it has on those of us who are unwilling to concede our personal health concerns. With second-hand smoke claims on the rise, it won’t take too long for the conversation to focus on the increase in our health insurance costs.


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by Olga Diaz












Of course, another growing concern regarding smoking is enforcement. If we go smoke free, where will people smoke? Behind the bushes, creating a fire hazard? In their cars, creating a hot box? Perhaps before we rush to ban all smoking on campus, we need to hear from those who have to enforce the ban. What pitfalls do they expect to find if banning smoking occurs?

Banning smoking is one issue. Enforcement is the other. It’s probably safe to assume that it is much easier to enforce a no smoking policy than to monitor designated smoking areas. How many of us confront smokers who are NOT in the designated areas now? How many of us are likely to confront smokers when there is an actual ban? With the limited availability of sheriffs on campus, what are the chances that we, the Cabrillo staff and faculty, will be more involved in enforcing said ban? And are we up to the challenge? Whatever we decide to do here, let’s keep in mind that being a good neighbor can help us create a safe and healthy working/learning environment for all.


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