
The strength and effectiveness of the union is dependent on member participation and involvement. By joining the union, you demonstrate that you want:

Benefits of union membership:

Right to vote in union elections
Only union members can vote on or serve as union representatives and leaders.

Right to vote on contract ratification
The union represents all unit members (faculty) at the bargaining table. Unit members are included in contract development surveys and other opportunities for input into the negotiations and ratification process. However, only union members get to vote on contract ratification.

Occupational liability insurance, scholarships, and other discount programs:

Not sure if you’re a union member
A deduction from your paycheck does NOT necessarily mean that you are a union member. To become a member, you must have completed a membership card (hard copies are light blue).
All Cabrillo College faculty members must decide whether to join the union or pay a service fee—called an agency fee—that is equal to union dues (each agency fee payers may request a modest reduction). The default status is agency fee; thus, if you have not completed a membership card you are paying agency fees, not union dues.

Become a member
If you would like to become a member, please complete a membership card, and send it to the CCFT mailbox on the main Cabrillo Campus (6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003).

Activate your AFT membership card online
Click on the following link to activate your card: Note that new members should receive an AFT membership card about a month after becoming a member.

Contact your division representative, a CCFT officer or the CCFT office (464-2238).

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