AFT Local 4400
April Faculty Voice
SPRING EVENTS: April 18 Burrito Bash - April 23 Day of Action - May 1 Open Forum to Keep the Community in Community College!
President's Report: Comments to the Board
by Debora Bone
Repeatability Regs Are Negatively Impacting Performing Arts Students and Faculty
by Michael Strunk
Repeatability Regulations Limit Access and Success for Cabrillo Students (newly updated!)
compiled by Maya Bendotoff
Reports back from the March CFT Convention:
Cabrillo's Workshop on Repeatability by Debora Bone,
CFT Priorities for Higher Ed by Katie Woolsey,
Kamala Harris on Quality Public Ed by Sadie Reynolds, and
AB86 and the future of Adult Ed by Susan Stuart
From the Editor: Communications Survey Results!
by Diane Putnam
CCEU Report
by Laurie Osmer
CCFT Elections Update
Nominations have closed, and elections are under way by written ballot through the end of the month. Thanks for participating in electing your division representatives and elected officers. Stay tuned...
CCFT Currents
Advocate for changes to new CC repeatability regulations that limit student success and access
View resolutions and resources
Link to ACA coverage in California: Covered California (
Profile of Cabrillo's Adjunct Faculty (May 2013)
Accreditation: "ACCJC Gone Wild" and other resources
CCFT Representatives, with photos
The CCFT office is located in room 1709 of the Baskin Center. View map.
CCFT/CCEU BURRITO BASH is Friday, April 18th, from 4-7 PM
DAY OF ACTION is Wed., April 23rd, from noon-2 PM in the Quad
OPEN FORUM is Thurs., May 1st, from 6-8 PM in room 5005 Hort.
Reel Work 2014
"May Day Labor Film Festival," in Santa Cruz, Monterey, and Santa Clara Counties—Friday, April 25 to Sunday, May 4. Check out the festival website.