What We're Up To This Spring

For the first time in many years, we commence the spring semester looking at a proposed state budget that includes increased funding for education. What a major relief. Our members (you!), and our statewide affiliate (CFT), along with our community allies, made this possible. Without the CFT’s leadership on the Millionaires Tax and Prop 30 we would surely be looking at huge cuts right now.

As we delve into 2013, CFT will continue to seek revenue for education and simultaneously involve members in creating a vision for quality public education. CCFT will solicit input from Council reps on this at our Feb. 25 meeting (all faculty are welcome) before we send our delegates off the CFT Convention March 15-17. Issues to be addressed: What does a quality public education system where all students learn and thrive include? What do students learn? What kind of environment do students need to succeed? What kinds of support services should exist? Or, from another perspective: Do we really want to permanently gut the lifelong learning of community colleges? How is it that efforts at “student success” can translate into college students having their financial aid suspended if there are not sufficient counselors to assist with mandated education plans? Communicating our perspectives with our Governing Board members and legislators will be essential.

In March CCFT will enter into contract negotiations with the District. Compensation clearly peaks at the top of our priorities (the last faculty salary increase occurred in 2007-08).



Maya hat

by Maya Bendotoff,
pictured here with with Christel Williams, a leader of the CTU strike
(at the CFT Leadership Conference)


Opportunities for Involvement

  • Meet with legislators re: student success or outcomes based funding
  • Participate in the ReelWorks Film Festival (recommend movies or help host an event)
  • Attend the CFT Convention (March 15-17); CFT Lobby Days (April 8-9); the CPFA annual Conference (April 20); or other events listed on our calendar
  • Welcome new Cabrillo faculty
  • Meet with higher ed colleagues in the Monterey Bay or Bay Area
  • Contribute to our Committee on Political Education or sign up to receive email updates
  • Join our Part-Time list serve to receive the eNews and other updates
  • Attend the BURRITO BASH (late April/ early May)

We are still surveying all faculty prior to sunshining our proposal, which will take place at the March Governing Board. CCFT hopes to have contract negotiations wrapped up for ratification at the end of May. Please be in communication with your division representatives to share your input and receive updates.

CCFT elections will also take place mid-semester. We plan to hold these elections earlier than usual (in March or April) so our elected officers can plan for the fall. CCFT Officers up for elections include the President, VPs, Treasurer, and Historian; division reps will also be elected. Start thinking of reps to nominate—including yourself! At the same time we will update our Constitution & By-Laws. One possibility we will be considering is whether to elect reps by division (currently all faculty vote on all rep seats).

Throughout the year and coming years, a primary focus for CCFT is to connect all of our members to the union. Whether it’s working on contract issues, meeting with Governing Board members, assisting with the Reel Works Labor Film Festival (April & March), attending the CCFT/CCEU Burrito Bash, or phone banking members on relevant issues, the union is definitely stronger and more effective when our members are informed and active. And, we become a much more effective advocate on statewide issues, such as the budget, funding models, and student success.  We’ve shown we can make great things happen; now, it’s time to provide vision and lead the way.


Check out the Spring 2013 CCFT Calendar for more on what's happening when.

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