
Between CCFT & the Cabrillo Community College District
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016

Article 13

  • 13.1 Salary Schedules
     The parties agree to reopen Article 13.1, Salary Schedules, to develop a total compensation plan for 2014-15 and 2015-16. The intent is that CCFT receive a fair share of increased revenues to be allocated toward the faculty total compensation package of salary and benefits, with the goal of returning to and improving the salary schedules as quickly as possible. The following will be considered in determining the availability of new revenue for total compensation and to inform a “fair share” approach: state revenues, the Cabrillo base budget, CCFS-311 reports; the faculty obligation number (FON); allocation of teaching units; the 50% law; workload; and total faculty expenses, including salary, health and welfare benefits and professional growth & development for the current year and in the future, with a goal of increasing the percentage of the college budget spent on faculty salaries as a percentage of the budget.
    • 13.1.1 Contract/Regular Salary Schedule
      • The increase in the total compensation plan for the 2013-14 academic year will equal a 4% salary increase. The 4% increase will consist of ongoing and one-time increases in the total compensation package for faculty. Salary schedules are affected as follows:
      • The Contract/Regular Salary Schedules will increase by a minimum of one percent. The final calculation for this ongoing increase will be the percent of state funded COLA minus a percent amount that equals the District’s dollar contribution towards the increase from 2012-13 to 2013-14 of in the health and welfare benefits stipend. See Article 14 for details about this stipend. This salary increase will be ongoing in future years.
      • The District will increase the pro-rata pay for adjunct faculty (excluding academic specialist adjunct faculty) and overload pay from 63% to 64.5% of the Contract/Regular Faculty schedule. This increase is for 2013-14 and will be negotiated again for future years. (See below)
      • The package includes a non-ongoing increase in Contract/Regular Schedules for the 2013-14 academic year that will be negotiated again for future years. This increase is found by making the final calculation of 4% minus the funded COLA minus a percent amount that equals the dollar cost of the pro rata increase as stated in
        • District earns ongoing restoration revenue of 1% for the 2013-14 fiscal year, 1% of the non-ongoing pay increase will become ongoing.
      • Sample allocation formula (this is an approximate breakdown; final numbers to be determined):
        If COLA is 1.5% 2.0%
        Ongoing increases include:
        Ongoing salary increase (all faculty) 1.0% 1.5%
        Increase in benefits costs 0.5% 0.5%
        Not ongoing increases (to be negotiated again next year) include:
        Pro rata increase from 63-64.5% 0.85%  0.85% 
        Non-ongoing salary increase 1.65% 1.15%
        TOTAL (ongoing and not ongoing) 4.0% 4.0%
      • Unit members will receive Step and Column advancement according to the provisions of this contract, and the previous year’s salary schedule will be used to calculate compensation during the annual negotiation process.
    • 13.1.2 Adjunct and Academic Specialist Salary Schedules Parity Goal
      • The parties agree to the principle of equal pay for equal work regarding the salary schedules for adjunct faculty and full-time Contract/Regular faculty. The parity definition of adjunct salary is defined as 100% of that portion of a full-time faculty workload performed by an adjunct faculty member.
        • The parties agree to the following goals in this order: Goal (1) That Step 1 through Step 12 and all columns of the Adjunct Faculty Salary Schedule be calculated to equal no less than 60% of the Contract/ Regular Faculty Salary Schedule, and the Academic Specialist Salary Schedule equal no less than 80% of the Contract/Regular Faculty Salary Schedule (Appendix C and D). Once Goal 1 has been achieved, then Goal (2) To equalize the Adjunct Faculty Salary Schedule and the Adjunct Academic Specialist Salary Schedule, up to and including Step 12, by bringing the Adjunct Faculty Salary Schedule up to 80% of the Contract/Regular Salary Schedule. Once Goal (2) has been achieved, then Goal (3) To negotiate an agreement which increases the steps for adjunct faculty beyond Step 12.
      • Unit members will receive Step and Column advancement according to the provisions of this contract, and the previous year’s salary schedule will be used to calculate compensation during the annual negotiations process. 
      • State funds received during the life of this contract for part-time faculty compensation will be applied towards the parity goal as specified in Article 13.1.2.
      • Adjunct Salary Schedule
        • The adjunct salary schedule shall have the same number of steps and columns as the full-time salary schedule.
        • Effective the 2007-08 academic year, the salary paid per teaching unit on the adjunct salary schedule shall be calculated by taking the corresponding annual salary from the Contract/Regular salary schedule, dividing that number by thirty (30) and taking sixty three percent (63%) of the result.
        • For the 2013-14 academic year, the salary paid per teaching unit on the adjunct salary schedule shall be calculated by taking the corresponding annual salary from the Contract/Regular salary schedule, dividing that number by thirty (30) and taking sixty four and a half percent (64.5%) of the result. This will be negotiated again for future years.
        • Adjunct unit members who qualify for Class 6 and hold a Doctorate or approved Master of Fine Arts Degree (Section 13.4.2) shall receive a prorated doctoral stipend per unit of compensation, calculated by taking the Contract/Regular Doctorate stipend, dividing that number by thirty (30) and taking 63% of the result.
      • Academic Specialist Adjunct Salary Schedule
        • The Academic Specialist adjunct salary schedule shall have the same number of steps and columns as the full-time salary schedule.
        • The salary paid per teaching unit on the Academic Specialist adjunct salary schedule shall be calculated by taking the corresponding annual salary from the Contract/Regular salary schedule, dividing that number by thirty (30) and taking eighty percent (80%) of the result.
        • Academic Specialist adjunct unit members who qualify for Class 6 and hold a Doctorate or approved Master of Fine Arts Degree (Section 13.4.2) shall receive a prorated doctoral stipend per unit of compensation, calculated by taking the Contract/Regular Doctorate stipend, dividing that number by thirty (30) and taking 80% of the result.
    • 13.1.3 Children’s Center Teacher Salary Schedule
    • Salary Schedule Increases
        • Increases in the Contract/Regular salary schedule (section 13.1.1) shall be reflected by the same percentage increase in the Children's Center Teacher Salary Schedules.
      • The Children’s Center Teacher Salary Schedule is for 190 contract days.
      • Initial Salary Placement
        Initial salary placement shall be according to Article 13.2.
      • Step Advancement
        Step advancement shall be according to Article 13.3.
  • 13.2 Initial Salary Placement
    • 13.2.1 Step placement shall be based on in-district teaching service rendered and credit for out-of-district teaching experience granted at the time of initial employment, or applicable work experience directly related to the teaching assignment granted at the time of initial employment.
    • 13.2.2 Occupational experience directly related to the unit member's teaching assignment in the District will be credited as follows:  for each two (2) years of previous related occupational experience, one (1) step advancement will be granted to the maximum credit as defined within Section 13.2.3. The experience must be beyond the occupational experience needed to satisfy the minimum qualifications.
    • 13.2.3 Unit members hired as a Contract/Regular employee shall receive one step advancement for each year of teaching experience provided each year of teaching was on a full-time basis for seventy-five percent (75%) or more of an academic year. The maximum credit a unit member may initially receive is eight (8) years, placed at Step 9. Effective 2007-08, if a contract employee has taught the previous year at Cabrillo College with a seventy-five percent or more temporary contract at the maximum initial step on the salary schedule, the unit member will receive one additional step advancement beyond the initial maximum salary placement.  Adjunct unit members shall receive one step advancement on the adjunct salary schedule for each two (2) semesters of teaching experience to a maximum of eight (8) years to be placed at the ninth (9) step.
    • 13.2.4 Credit for active, full-time military service will be granted on the basis of one step for twelve (12) to twenty-three (23) months duty time and two (2) steps for twenty-four (24) or more months duty time, towards the maximum credit as defined within Section 13.2.3.
    • 13.2.5 Unit members with no previous experience will be placed at Step 1.
    • 13.2.6 All new contract, regular and adjunct unit members will be evaluated and notified in writing of their initial placement on the salary schedule, within thirty (30) days of the beginning of their assignment. Permanent placement will be contingent upon submission of required records and documents within ninety (90) days of employment. Changes made in salary placement as a result of documentation submitted after the permanent evaluation will be effective the beginning of the fall semester of the following year, or effective at the beginning of the following semester for adjunct faculty.
    •  13.2.7 Graduate or upper division coursework earned subsequent to attainment of a Master’s Degree in a regionally accredited college or university will be credited for salary schedule class/column purposes. With the approval of the supervising vice president, lower division course work earned in a regionally accredited college or university subsequent to attainment of a Master’s degree that is related to the unit member’s assignment will be accepted.
  • 13.3 Step Advancement and Career Increments
    • 13.3.1 Contract and regular unit members with an assignment of 60% or more shall receive one step advancement, in the fall semester only, within the appropriate class upon satisfactory completion of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the number of days of required service including days of paid leave and professional development in the preceding year or in two semesters until the maximum step allowed has been reached.
      • Contract and regular unit members with assignments of less than 60% shall receive one step advancement every two years.
    • 13.3.2 Adjunct unit members shall receive one step advancement within the appropriate class in the adjunct salary schedule, for each two terms of service to the District(fall, winter, spring, summer). Only one step may be achieved per academic year.
  • 13.4 Placement in salary schedule class (column)
    • 13.4.1 Unit members shall be assigned a class (column) on the salary schedule(s) in accordance with the classification requirements defined herein below:
      • Class 1 - BA, or specific minimum qualifications in a discipline where minimum qualifications do not include a Master’s degree.
      • Class 2 - MA or MS required
      • Class 3 - MA/MS with a Bachelor’s plus 45 units
      • Class 4 - MA/MS with a Bachelor’s plus 60 units
      • Class 5 - MA/MS with a Bachelor’s plus 75 units
      • Class 6 - Doctorate Degree or MA/MS with a Bachelor’s plus 90 units
        • When faculty are hired by the District and (1) have completed a Bachelor’s degree but (2) do not possess a Master’s degree and (3) are currently enrolled in a doctorate program and (4) have successfully completed a minimum of (30) graduate level semester units, the faculty member will be eligible to receive an initial salary placement in Class 2 through 6. Initial salary placement is based on the completion of upper division or graduate course work earned subsequent to attainment of a Bachelor’s degree in a regularly accredited college or university for salary schedule class purposes.
        • Faculty must submit original transcripts and documents in accordance with the District’s practice.
        • The equivalency process to determine minimum qualifications of a faculty member is separate and distinct from the salary placement process defined in
    • 13.4.2 The doctoral stipend shall be granted to contract and regular unit members who qualify for Class 6 and hold an earned doctorate degree.
      • The doctoral stipend shall be granted to contract and regular unit members who qualify for Class 6 and hold a Master of Fine Arts Degree in the Visual or Performing Arts from a professional school or university accredited by the National Association of Schools of Arts and Design, Music, Dance, or Theatre Arts. The MFA for Visual or Performing Arts has been determined to be equivalent to a doctorate degree. For a Master of Fine Arts in other disciplines to qualify for the doctoral stipend, the MFA degree must be determined to be equivalent to a doctorate by an appropriate accrediting organization, the Dean, and the Vice President of Instruction.
  • 13.5 Professional Improvement and Work Experience Credits
    • 13.5.1 Graduate or upper division course work earned subsequent to attainment of a Master's Degree in a regularly accredited college or university shall be credited for salary schedule class/column purposes. Lower division course work related to the unit member's assignment may be accepted in accordance with below. Honorary degrees are not acceptable for placement and/or advancement on the salary schedule. Units which are not accepted for credit by the institution where such courses were taken will not be acceptable for placement and/or advancement on the salary schedule. Coursework is credited in semester units. A quarter unit equals two thirds (2/3) of a semester unit.
      • Approval of Lower Division Course Work
      • Faculty seeking approval of lower division course work must apply in writing to the Vice President of Instruction. The proposal will list the course(s) the faculty member is taking and why the courses are relevant to the assignment.
        • If approval is sought prior to the commencement of the assignment, the faculty member shall request approval at least 30 days in advance.
        • Approval may be sought up to within one year of completion of the course.
      • A committee composed of the Vice President of Instruction or designee and two faculty members, one selected by Faculty Senate and one selected by CCFT, will meet no less than once a semester to review these proposals.
      • Lower division courses should be taken for professional development relevant to the assignment rather than for personal enrichment. In general, technological skills and language acquisition are the most relevant lower division courses for this purpose.
    • 13.5.2 Unit Credit for Activities Other Than College Classes
      • Alternative methods of unit credit are available to unit members. Unit members may earn up to twelve (12) alternative units in each class. Such units must be approved by the Sabbatical Leave Review Board.
      • Application: Alternative Credit applications must be submitted to the Instruction Office for consideration by the Sabbatical Leave Review Board within one year of the completion of the Alternative Credit Project. Applications will be considered once a semester. Credit will be granted only with approval of the application by the Sabbatical Leave Review Board. Completed documentation must be submitted to the Instruction Office. The Vice President of Instruction will certify completion and forward to the Human Resources Office. (see Appendix S).
      • Equivalency: Forty-eight hours of work in any of the following activities is equivalent to one unit of credit on the salary schedule. The hours of all completed activities may be accumulated towards the 48 hours necessary for 1 unit.
        • Occupational/Technical Development: A faculty member observes, studies, evaluates, or works on a special area in her/his field, or trains with a mentor in his/her field including continuing education courses and related projects. The faculty member must demonstrate that such work is related to the person's assignment and is not available through college credit.
        • Publications, Performances, Exhibits, or Demonstrations: The work must give evidence of the instructor's professional growth and must enhance or augment an instructor's professional growth and must enhance or augment an instructor's knowledge and understanding in subjects.
  • 13.6 Only one advancement in salary class may be achieved per year, and the unit member requesting a change must submit all relevant degrees, transcripts and documents to the Human Resources Department no later than November 1 of the year in which the salary class change is requested. A unit member may advance as many classes in a year as the earned credit allows.
  • 13.7 A unit member who conducts an authorized field/travel study shall be compensated at the adjunct salary schedule rate.
  • 13.8 A unit member teaching a field course shall be compensated for field expenses at the rate of $50.00 for each week spent in the field. Transportation shall be reimbursed at the prevailing District rate.
  • 13.9 Public Safety Special Lecturer
    Shall meet the minimum qualifications of an instructor in the public safety program and possess specific knowledge and/or certifications required to teach a specific subject in public safety. Compensation for public safety special lecturer shall be $50 per hour. Lecturers must be evaluated within each assignment. Lecturer shall be responsible for classroom instruction during a specified portion of a class but shall not be responsible for overall course planning, assignments or final grading.
  • 13.10 Substitute Teaching Compensation
    Substitute teachers shall be compensated for each hour of such teaching at the rate of $37.50 per hour. See Article 16.7 regarding adjunct faculty workload.
  • 13.11 Credit by Exam
  • The faculty member of record for credit by exam will receive $25 per student.  (Article
  • 13.12 STRS, Employee Contribution
  • In September 1989, unit members contributing to STRS voted to approve the "Employer Pickup" option covered by the Internal Revenue Code Section 414(h)(2). This program provides that employee contributions to STRS are nontaxable. Contributions are considered part of the employee's compensation for everything except tax treatment. The effective date of this program was January 2, 1990.
  • 13.13 Number of pay checks
    The District shall provide Contract/Regular unit members with 10 paychecks per academic year.
  • 13.14 Direct Deposit
    • 13.14.1   All Contract/Regular members shall have the option of direct deposit of their paychecks to the commercial bank of their choice.
    • 13.14.2   Effective fall 2010,adjunct unit members shall have the option of direct deposit based on the following:
      •      The adjunct unit member has worked a minimum of four consecutive semesters.
      •      The adjunct unit member must sign a repayment agreement in the event of overpayment. 
  • 13.15 Faculty Privileges: Parking, Events, and Mileage
    • 13.15.1 Unit members shall receive one staff parking permit per year or a bus pass without charge.
    • 13.15.2 Unit members shall, upon request, be provided with a pass good for free admission to college-sponsored, regular season, athletic events.
    • 13.15.3 Unit members who are assigned to off-campus work sites may at their discretion submit mileage reimbursements for travel between assigned work sites at the prevailing District rate.

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