As we continue to navigate our State, County, and Cabrillo College shut-down, we want you to know that Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers (CCFT) continues to advocate for all faculty and have been listening to your concerns, especially in regard to Summer and Fall 2020 scheduling and budget issues. We will be hosting two all faculty zoom sessions. Anticipate my follow-up email with zoom links and a text message invite, if you have opted in with your cell number. A Google survey has been sent to all faculty and is also here: https://forms.gle/GvTKCYKMRFwLmUwW9
Our next CCFT All Faculty zoom session – Friday, May 15th
Please join us for our next Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers All Faculty union meeting this Friday at 5-6 p.m., zoom link to follow. We originally scheduled the meeting for 4-5 p.m. before learning of the Neustra Graduation Ceremony scheduled the same time. Although there is still an overlap we hope you can attend a portion of the union meeting. The California Federation of Teachers will be hosting the meeting with the help of our Northern California Organizer, Valarie Bachelor.
A zoom link will be emailed to you by noon on Friday, May 15th.
CCFT E-Board members will discuss updates on the following:
- Retirement Incentive
- Adjunct Rehire Rights
- Other agreements (Distance Ed stipend, etc.)
- EDD clinic information for adjunct faculty
- Fall Bargaining
- Areas of concern (from our CCFT membership survey)
- Q&A
- Summer organizing
CCFT Part-Time Unemployment Workshop:
Saturday, May 23, at 10 AM. As this is the last day of the semester, this is the earliest one can apply. Unemployment benefits are not retroactive, so the later you file the less money you will ultimately receive. You will receive notification and a reminder about this workshop.
CFT Education: Part-time faculty facing the travails of remote teaching – CFT Education Issues: Stories of teaching from home during the pandemic
Cabrillo Community College District/CCFT MOU re: COVID-19 Crisis
This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into between the Cabrillo Community College District (“District”) and the Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers (“CCFT”) concerning the District’s response to the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic. On March 5, 2020 Governor Newsom declared a California State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and on March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic. On March 13, 2020 the Health Officer of the County of Santa Cruz issued a Shelter-in-Place order, through April 7. That date has now been extended to May 4th and possibly beyond. The District and CCFT recognize the importance of maintaining safe facilities and operations for the benefit of the students and communities served by the District and for all District employees. We recognize the importance of prudent measures to prevent District employees, students, their families and other people using District facilities from being exposed to or infected with COVID-19 as well as limiting further spread throughout the community. We agree that reasonable continuity of District operations should be maintained, and reasonable accommodation should be made for District employees who are impacted by the pandemic. Thus, for the remainder of the 2019/2020 academic year and continuing through the ummer sessions, the District has determined that all instruction and related instructional support should be converted to an on-line/distance education format for all courses and labs where possible and that no further on-campus access, courses, labs, or services shall be provided to students or the public. The District has also determined that all regular District employees (including faculty, adjunct faculty, classified/confidential, and administrators/managers), except for a limited number deemed essential tocritical district functions, will work remotely and will not be present on campus for any reason afterMonday, March 30, 2020 until further notice.This MOU is effective March 30, 2020 through May 31, 2020. Should the need for this MOU extendbeyond May 31, 2020, the Parties may mutually agree in writing to extend this MOU in additional 30-dayincrements. The terms of this MOU shall be non-precedential and shall not create a past-practice with
1. For the remainder of the Spring 2020 regular semester (ending May 23, 2020), there shall be noloss of compensation or benefits to faculty members (including full-time faculty, adjunct faculty, support to an on-line format, or as a result of class cancelations due to the impracticality of converting classroom courses to on-line courses or due to low enrollment. This does not include for classes that were canceled due to low enrollment prior to March 6, 2020 before the COVID-19 crisis.
2. The District will inform CCFT as soon as practicable should it learn of a confirmed or likely COVID-19 infection of District employees or students utilizing District facilities. It is understood that privacy rights under HIPAA, CMIA, and FERPA will be maintained. Cabrillo Community College District/CCFT MOU re: COVID-19 Crisis
3. CCFT unit members may use leaves in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement, theEducation Code, and/or state or federal law including but not limited to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which is in effect from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
4. The parties agree and understand that nothing herein limits the District’s authority to exercise its usual and/or emergency powers as established by law, the Contract, board policies, and administrative regulations.
5. The District will proceed with scheduled faculty evaluations for the Spring 2020 semester, in the following manner:
a. For evaluations that have already been completed in full, those evaluations will stand as completed.
b. For evaluations not yet completed in full but where classroom/worksite observation andstudent evaluations have already been completed, those evaluations will proceed as set forth in Article 17 of the Contract between Cabrillo Community College District and CCFT (“the Contract”).
c. For evaluations where classroom observation and/or student evaluations have not beencompleted, those evaluations will proceed without completion of classroom observation and student evaluations but shall otherwise proceed in accordance with Article 17 of the Contract.
d. The District agrees that faculty will not be subject to negative teaching evaluationsresulting from the COVID-19 crisis period of disruption and the attendant quick transition to on-line/remote teaching and/or providing of student support services.
e. The District and CCFT agree that reasonable requests for extensions of evaluation process deadlines set forth in section 17.4.2 Summary of Evaluation Deadlines of the Contract shall be granted, whether the request for extension is from the District side or the faculty side.
6. Faculty who were expected to present or attend conventions, conferences, artistic events or othergatherings that were canceled due to COVID-19 are excused from attending, and the District will not attempt to reclaim nonrefundable conference expenses from faculty; provided however, faculty shall use due diligence and best efforts in seeking refunds from airlines, hotels, conference sponsors, etc. and paying over those refunds to the District in cases where the faculty has already been reimbursed by the District. Further, faculty who have travel credits from expenses that have already been reimbursed by the District agree to promptly provide details and tracking of such travel credits to the District Business Office so that any such credits can, where possible, be applied to future District business.
7. The District acknowledges and appreciates the great efforts by all faculty to transition to on-lineteaching and student support services. The District has and will continue to provide resources and assistance, wherever possible to enable faculty to perform duties remotely.
8. During any District closure or suspension of on-campus operations, the District EmergencyOperations Center (EOC) may request some unit members determined to be essential to its continued operations to remain onsite to perform their regular work assignment or work outside their regular work assignment pursuant to CA Government Code section 3100. For the duration of the Spring 2020 semester, other unit members not required to remain at work shall work Cabrillo Community College District/CCFT MOU re: COVID-19 Crisis remotely or be “on call” and subject to direction by the District during their normal scheduled work day or work periods.
9. Faculty working remotely who are unable to work due to their own illness or medical condition,or who are unable to work due providing care for children or a family member may be required to use sick leave as stated in section (3) above.
10. Nothing in this MOU shall relieve a faculty member from holding required office hours (by phoneor other virtual modality) for classes currently being taught.
11. Further, nothing in this MOU shall relieve a faculty member from attending committee meetingsby Zoom or other on-line format, participating in participatory governance by Zoom or other online format, and/or otherwise performing all regular work that can be carried out remotely.