Ratification vote for contract changes 2023 – coming Soon!
CCFT members will receive an ElectionBuddyemail inviting participation in a secure vote for – CCFT Contract Ratification Vote 2023.
All contract changes, including any MOU’s, side letters, and article revisions, will be listed with detailed information and links to supporting documents.
Final stretch for this years Negotiations:
Changes to the CCFT contract will include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Article 14.4 – Health Insurance Coverage for Associate Faculty
- Article 14.2. – Shared Increase in Insurance Premiums
- Article 13 – Salary
- Article 11.9 – Department Chairs
- Additional side letters and supporting documents
811 Update – Ending Repeatability Restrictions
Assembly Bill 811: (Mike Fong) – Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012: repeating credit courses.
AB 811 has passed through the Assembly with solid support. It is now in the Senate Education Committee. There are two opposing groups suggesting some revisions to the bill that will be resolved before moving to the Senate floor for what may be a challenging vote.
We will update you when and if we receive an Action request from the California Federation of Teachers to alert State Senators about the urgent need to support 811. But it is always a good idea to reach out now.
CCFT Never Sleeps
Officers and staff will continue to work throughout the summer months, dates listed below.
This summer we will also be working with two UCSC student interns. Guided by CCFT Administrative Assistant, Nahara Villalobos, the interns will learn and prepare for upcoming CCFT organizing efforts and public education labor issues. CCFT President, Tobin Keller, and Executive Director, Daniel Dodge will be available during the dates listed below. Contact by email is the best way to reach either for support and information.
President’s CCFT Summer dates:
- June 20 – 30
- July 17 – August 4
- Email contact: tobin@ccftcabrillo.org
Executive Director CCFT Summer dates:
- June 23 – July 21
- August 7 – Flex week
- Email contact: daniel@ccftcabrillo.org
Administrative Assistant, Nahara Villalobos: nahara@ccftcabrillo.edu
Acting Organizing Chair, Claire Thorson: clthorso@cabrillo.edu