California State Senator, John Laird, will be our guest on Wednesday, March 3rd at 5 p.m. – Zoom session. Please join us for this late afternoon session with our district’s representative as he shares his insights about the State budget and higher ed. issues. Zoom information: Mar 3, 2021 05:00 PM https://cft.zoom.us/j/99418621742 –Meeting ID: 994 1862 1742, +1 669 900 6833

John Laird was elected to the State Senate on November 3, 2020, carrying all four counties in the district with a combined margin of over 145,000 votes, and was sworn in to represent Senate District 17 on December 7, 2020. In the State Senate, Laird chairs and serves on a broad array of committees: Chair, Senate Budget Subcommittee #1 (Education), Vice Chair, Joint Legislative Audit Committee, Member, Appropriations Committee, Member, Budget & Fiscal Review Committee, Member, Joint Legislative Committee on Budget, Member, Judiciary Committee, Member, Labor, Public Employment & Retirement, Member, Natural Resources & Water Committee, Member, Rules Committee, Member, Joint Legislative Committee on Rules.