Scholarships for Union Members

Raoul Teihlet Scholarship Program

The California Federation of Teachers offers $3,000 and $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors and continuing college students who are dependents of CFT members in good standing. The awards are based on academic achievement, financial need, special talents and skills, participation in extra-curricular activities, and a 500-word essay on an issue or social problem the applicant feels strongly about.

To learn more, go to or phone (818) 843-8226.

Approximate deadlines:
Applications for high school seniors: January
Applications for continuing college students: July

Monterey Bay Central Labor Council Scholarships

The Monterey Bay Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, awards a Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship and a Johnny Mattos Scholarship of $500 to a union member, spouse, child, or dependent of a member of any union properly affiliated with the Monterey Bay Central Labor Council. Applicants must have an accumulative 3.0 GPA during their high school or post high school enrollment and be full-time students for the school term following the award of the grant. Awards are drawn by lot.

To learn more, call the CCFT office at 464-2238.

Approximate deadline: Beginning of May

California Labor Federation Scholarships

The California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, awards numerous $2,000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are dependents of members of AFL-CIO labor unions in California. Awards are based on submission of a 1,000-word essay about a labor-related topic.

To learn more, go to or phone (510) 663-4024.

Approximate deadline: Mid April

Robert G. Porter Scholarship Program

The American Federation of Teachers awards four $8,000 scholarships to high school seniors who are dependents of AFT members, as well as 20 continuing education grants of $1,000 to AFT members.

Four-year $8,000 Postsecondary Scholarships: Appliant must be pursuing a career in labor, education, health care or government service. Parent or guardian must be an AFT member for at least one year.

One-time $1,000 Grants: Applicant must be pursuing courses in labor relations or courses in your field of work. Must be an AFT member for at least one year.

To learn more, go to, email, or phone (800) 238-1133 extention 4457.

Approximate deadline: End of March

Union Plus Scholarship Program

Union Plus and AFT offer scholarships of $500 to $4,000 to union members, and their spouses and dependents attending or planning on attending who have one year of continuous union membership. Winners are chosen based on academic chievement and potential, character, leadership, social awareness, career goals and financial need.

To learn more, go to or

Approximate deadline: End of January