Lean On Me!
First I want to thank our newest E-Board member, Rachel Mitchell – Adjunct Chair & Historian, for providing our own Flex week theme of Lean On Me. The inspiration comes from a YouTube performance by the Sunset Signers on April 2020 of the Bill Withers song, along with this positive quote: “Our strength lies within our community. We will get through this together”.
Please also note our Flex week meetings. Jeff Frietas, the California Federation of Teachers President, will be joining us on Wednesday, August 18th for our All Faculty Gathering, at noon. Also note our full listing of CCFT meetings.
Our CCFT Negotiation team has had a busy summer working on our contract Article #13 – Salary and Article #14 – Health & Welfare, as-well-as the Fall 2021 MOU. Thank you to all of our members that participated in the ratification vote earlier this summer. Negotiations have become a complex year-round effort and as in the case of salary it is connected to the governor’s final published budget. Thank you to our dedicated Council of Representatives and Executive Board members who reviewed and unanimously voted to recommend the package.
Governor Newsom’s recall – The California Federation of Teachers is urging members to vote “No” for the gubernatorial recall election set for September 14th, 2021.
What does CFT says about the recall? No, No, No!
Get out the vote!
In solidarity,