mayabendotoffby Maya Bendotoff

At the very end of the Spring 2014 semester CCFT and the District agreed to the following on compensation and workload for 2014-15:

  • Maintaining the salary increase from 2013-14 (this included a 1.1% ongoing increase plus a 1.63% one-time increase). The 1.63% one-time increase for 2013-14 was split into some ongoing and one-time increases for 2014-15:
    • A 0.5% ongoing increase
    • A 1.13% one-time increase for 2014-15
  • Maintaining most of the one-time increase in pro rata pay for adjunct/overload units from 2013-14 (because the base salary was higher, the total pro rata increase decreased slightly)
    • In 2013-14, the pro rata increased from 63% to 64.5% using one-time funds
    • In 2014-15 0.8% of the one-time became ongoing, bumping the pro rata from 63% to 63.8% permanently
    • For 2014-15 there is also an additional one-time component of 0.5%, which brings the pro rata up to 64.3%
  • Maintaining the health benefits plans and package
  • The following ongoing changes to workload:
    • A change in World Languages curriculum with an online World Languages lab compensated at 0.33TU/hour of lab
    • Flexibility for World Language instructors to add additional students, the cap stays at 30.
    • A change in Distance Education that has all classes taught with the same cap (before, first time teachers would take 75% of the normal class size)
    • Agreement to reduce coordination units for Interdisciplinary and Linked courses, (see the Side Letter of Agreement for details).
    • No changes to English class size.
  • The following use of one-time funds:
    • CCFT agreed to apply the equivalent of one year’s sabbatical funding, $102,046, to pay for a portion of the 1.43% one-time salary increase: $61,745 that remained from 2014-15 and $40,301 from 2015-16.
    • The District agreed to use $284,707 from the one-time FTES Reserve account to fund a portion of the 1.43% salary increase.
  • Other:
    • Reopener in summer or early fall 2014 to evaluate Ancillary Activities Fund, Article 16.16 (to be completed by 9/30/14).
    • Reopener in 2014-15 for Article 10 Leaves, to review the State Disability Insurance (SDI) program.
    • Reopener in 2014 for Article 17, Evlauations: to include language about SLO assessment work as well as criteria and accountability measures re. faculty work expectations.
    • Reopener in 2014-15 for Article 14 Health & Welfare Insurance Coverage to address Affordable Care Act compliance issues if necessary.
    • Fall 2014: District and CCFT agree to convene a study group with members of both teams to develop an approach to benchmark faculty salaries including, but not limited to, identifying colleges that will be included in the comparison groups and the components of the compensation programs that will be included to inform the negotiations process.
    • Fall 2015: CCFT and District agree to identify a joint study group to include members of both negotiations teams to complete a comprehensive review of Article 11, Workload. CCFT and the District team will develop a list of criteria that will be used by the study group to evaluate workload provisions.
    • Update of Appendix U:  DSPS name change to Accessibility Support Center.
    • Workload changes that increase faculty compensation will be considered in future bargaining of faculty compensation increases.

CCFT approved this agreement on May 20, 2014; the Governing Board approved it on June 9, 2014.  For more detail, see SL 2013-14.16 (Salary, Benefits, and Other Agreements Effective with the 2014-2015 Academic Year)