mayabendotoffby Maya Bendotoff

In the spring of 2014, CCFT and the District launched our first-ever pilot program for additional pay for designated ancillary activities (see Side Letter of Agreement 13-14.10). As part of the pilot, we agreed to evaluate the project prior to moving forward for 2014-15.

On September 12, 2014, the negotiations teams met and agreed to extend the pilot program for 2014-15. The fall 2014 program will consist stipends for six individuals to participate in campus-wide governance: three stipends for adjunct Faculty Senate Representatives ($600 each), and three stipends for other adjuncts participating on campus-wide committees ($250 each). This is essentially the same agreement as for the spring 2014, but with some changes in the committees for the fall 2014. In early December 2014 teams will meet to determine parameters for the spring 2015.

The following faculty members will participate in the fall 2014 program:

Faculty Senate
These are elected positions; the adjuncts currently serving represent their respective divisions
John Govsky, VAPA
Jackie Logg, HASS
Patty Stokke, BELA

Representatives on Other Campus Committees for Fall
These representatives are selected jointly by CCFT and the Faculty Senate
02: Sandie Davie
Academic Review Committee (ARC): Justina Buller
Facilities Planning and Advisory Committee (FPAC): Karen Groppi

CCFT strongly values the inclusion of adjunct perspectives on campus committees. The District is currently supporting this idea, but also wants to clearly understand how the unique adjunct perspective informs the overall discussion and outcomes of the issues. They also want to have an easy-to-administer program (note there were some snafus in administration for spring 2014). To this end we will be working on a new form and guidelines for reps. Once we have a solid program in place, CCFT hopes that the District will see the value in expanding the program.