by Tobin Keller
The Committee on Political Education coordinates faculty efforts on matters of a political nature and funds candidates, propositions, and causes that Cabrillo faculty— through their representatives on the CCFT Council— choose to support. For instance we organized events and support for Proposition 55 that successfully passed last November. COPE funds are generated from voluntary monthly payroll deductions from individual faculty members; they are raised separately from and in addition to regular dues. All faculty members may become COPE members by completing a COPE card. Co-Chairs are Sadie Reynolds and Tobin W. Keller.
Cabrillo College Office of Equity:
Indivisible Santa Cruz County:
5 Calls:
American Civil Liberties Union Santa Cruz Chapter:
Santa Cruz County Immigration Project:
Blog by former California Federation of Teacher’s President, Marty Hittelman:
Logging the daily shock and awe of the Trump Administration:
The Resistance Manual is a Wiki-style site that crowd sources information and resources to resist the Trump / GOP agenda in America. It was created by activists, Samuel Sinyangwe, DeRay McKesson, Johnetta Elzie, Brittany Packnett, and law student Aditi Juneja: