- CCFT The All Faculty Gathering, Wednesday 12-1 pm
- CCFT General Council Meeting, Wednesday 1-3 pm,
- CCFT Adjunct Solidarity Gathering, Thursday, 12:30-2:30 pm
CCFT is hosting three different flex week gatherings each providing abundant information and support for our members. Our first meeting, Wednesday, January 19th at 12 p.m., features guest speaker, Dr. Faris Sabbah, County Superintendent of Schools.

The County Superintendent of Schools and the County Office of Education play a critical role in supporting the creation of safe and supportive learning environments for all students. Dr. Sabbah is committed to the values of diversity, equity and inclusion as he helps lead the evolution of the County Office of Education in addressing the needs of students, districts, and the community.
The all Faculty Gathering will also include updates on negotiations, the State budget, membership news and officer elections. Following the Wednesday’s All Faculty Gathering is the General Council Meeting, 1 – 3 p.m, all faculty are invited to attend. The Council meeting agenda will include a closer look into CCFT operations, budget, negotiations, and COPE. Thursday, 12:30-2:30 p.m Rachel Mitchell & John Govsky host the CCFT Adjunct Solidarity Gathering. This time is dedicated to providing a space for adjunct faculty to connect with colleagues and union representatives to learn more about important issues and initiatives that support contingent faculty at Cabrillo. Chase Golding, Part-Time Faculty Campaign Coordinator for the California Federation of Teachers, will lead a presentation and discussion on the campaign to make health care more accessible and affordable for contingent faculty in California.
Meeting information and Zoom links are located here: https://www.cabrillo.edu/professional-development/