by CCFT | Feb 28, 2015 | Faculty Voice, Feb. 2015 Faculty Voice, Negotiations, President's Report, Repeatability
by Conrad Scott-Curtis By now, it is widely understood on campus that Cabrillo salaries took a real hit, relative to other community-college salaries in the Bay Area and the nearby region, between 2004-05 and 2008-2009. (By one measure, contract salaries fell during...
by CCFT | Jan 27, 2015 | Apr. 2014 Faculty Voice, Faculty Voice, Repeatability
“I always liked the idea that community colleges have been open to everyone in the community. However I don’t like the idea that community colleges, funded by the tax payer, are adopting policies that will block some of those same tax payers from improving...
by CCFT | Dec 12, 2014 | Dec. 2014 Faculty Voice, Faculty Voice, Legislation, Repeatability, Uncategorized
Susan Stuart, Theatre Arts Faculty In the fall of 2013, CCFT (Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers) held an evening town-hall forum at Sesnon House on issues relevant to quality public education. We were interested in what students, faculty, and community members...
by CCFT | Oct 31, 2014 | Faculty Voice, Oct. 2014 Faculty Voice, QPEC, Repeatability
by Maya Bendotoff CCFT, at the request of faculty members and in conjunction with our Quality Public Education Campaign, continues to work on various levels to advocate for changes to repeatability regulations that limit student access and success. A small group of...
by CCFT | Oct 29, 2014 | Faculty Voice, Oct. 2014 Faculty Voice, Repeatability
by Susan Stuart In the most recent Rostrum, the publication of the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges (ASCCC), new faculty president David Morse justifies with unwavering certainty why a student cannot re-take a class to advance or update his/her...
by CCFT | May 31, 2014 | Faculty Voice, May 2014 Faculty Voice, Repeatability
By Maya Bendotoff At the end of last semester, after a year of discussing what a campaign for quality public education looks like, the CCFT Council agreed to advocate for changes to repeatability regulations that limit access and success, or to “Keep the Community in...