COVID-19 Information for CCFT Members & Faculty
CCFT is working with the Cabrillo College District to insure support and safety for all faculty. We are working with the District to insure that there will be no changes in pay and benefits for […]
CCFT is working with the Cabrillo College District to insure support and safety for all faculty. We are working with the District to insure that there will be no changes in pay and benefits for […]
The CCFT E-Board hosts a hot lunch for all faculty every semester. This semester, Wednesday January 22nd at 12 p.m., our featured guest speaker is Jeff Freitas, president of the California Federation of Teachers, American […]
by Karl Ewald And just like that, we find ourselves cruising past the middle of semester… One way to understand the contract is as the set of rules that dictate how faculty agree to work […]
by Karl Ewald As you’ve probably figured out, I’m a big picture guy and my strategy has almost always included trying to reach outside my designated bounds to try to change the context in which […]
by Karl Ewald The CCFT and district negotiations teams met on April 25th and came to an agreement on compensation that both sides felt was a workable deal. I’m writing this right after the May […]
by Karl Ewald I’m encouraged by the response educators have had in relation to our undocumented, vulnerable and targeted students. CCFT passed a resolution at our flex week Council meeting and the Cabrillo College Governing […]
by Karl Ewald I don’t play basketball much, but basketball did teach me something. When I first started playing, I would just run all the time. Trying to score or trying to stop someone […]
by Karl Ewald For me, the tail end of any process is usually paired with a healthy dose of reflection. As the negotiations process drew to a close, I spent a lot of time thinking […]
by Karl Ewald I don’t think I’ve ever felt a semester move by so quickly. I suppose in saying that I should emphasize that I mean this in a positive sense! I attribute much of […]
Karl Ewald, CCFT President It is truly an honor to have been elected president and to have this chance to serve the faculty through CCFT. The last few weeks have given me a completely new […]
6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003; Phone: 831.464.2238; Fax: 831.464.2283; email: ccft@ccftcabrillo.org