by CCFT | Nov 25, 2016 | Negotiations, November 2016 Faculty Voice, President's Report
by Karl Ewald For me, the tail end of any process is usually paired with a healthy dose of reflection. As the negotiations process drew to a close, I spent a lot of time thinking about the processes we use to make decisions. The core of our process involves voting and...
by CCFT | Oct 16, 2016 | Contract Development, Negotiations, Oct. 2016 Faculty Voice
CCFT and the District remain in negotiations regarding salary and have agreed to extend the current Contract Agreement through December 15, 2016. As mentioned in the September update, CCFT and the District have already settled on most items (see below); the...
by CCFT | May 5, 2016 | Contract Development, May 2016, Negotiations, Non-credit Courses, Part-timers
Maya Bendotoff, CCFTÂ Director Compensation for 2016 Salary Over the past decade, full-time salaries have fallen significantly in comparison with salaries in other Districts across the state. Much of the relative drop actually happened prior to the recession, when we...
by CCFT | May 5, 2016 | Contract Development, May 2016, Negotiations
Karl Ewald, CCFT Treasurer and Negotiations Team While there is no specific contractual definition of the total time an adjunct unit member spends for 1 teaching unit, the historical breakdown of a teaching unit generally assumes that for 1 teaching unit, an...
by CCFT | Mar 9, 2016 | March 2016 Faculty Voice, Negotiations
Dan Rothwell The contract negotiations are proceeding about as fast as a turtle on tranquilizers. We have spent many hours planning the schedule and agenda for negotiations without actually negotiating about substantive issues. As your new chief negotiator, I hope to...
by CCFT | Dec 15, 2015 | Budget, Dec. 2015, Negotiations
Dan Rothwell “Catastrophizing” is defined by psychologist John Grohol on the PsychCentral blogging site as “an irrational thought that something is far worse than it actually is.” Such is the case when the budget is presented to the College...