Faculty Voice Newsletter: March 2018: News Update: Janus, College for All, PVFT in Mediation, Online-Only Community College, Strikes in West Virginia and Great Britain

Faculty Voice Newsletter: March 2018: News Update: Janus, College for All, PVFT in Mediation, Online-Only Community College, Strikes in West Virginia and Great Britain

by David Lau Spring Semester 2018 at the Outset CCFT has held several meetings in the opening weeks of the semester. It is a season of transition for our local and for Cabrillo College. For flex week we welcomed our new executive director, Daniel Dodge, the former...
Faculty Voice Newsletter: March 2018: CCFT President’s Report: March 2018

Faculty Voice Newsletter: December 2017: President’s Report: Cabrillo’s Internal Economy and Pathways for Faculty

by Karl Ewald Cabrillo’s Internal Economy The College Planning Committee (CPC) has had several discussions in recent weeks around the idea of forming a Budget sub-committee. No specific structures have been identified. Mostly the discussion has centered around what...
Faculty Voice Newsletter: September 2017: CCFT President’s Report: A Vision for the Future

Faculty Voice Newsletter: September 2017: CCFT President’s Report: A Vision for the Future

by Karl Ewald As you’ve probably figured out, I’m a big picture guy and my strategy has almost always included trying to reach outside my designated bounds to try to change the context in which I’m working. My feeling is that the health of CCFT and...