by CCFT | May 16, 2018 | Contract Development, May 2018, Negotiations, Part-timers, Struggle in the Courts
by David Lau There is an intensity and vehemence of purpose in the voice of Julie Olsen Edwards. The daughter of two leftists—Tillie Olsen, the journalist and legend of the short story, was her mother; her father Jack Olsen, a warehouse worker and organizer for the...
by CCFT | Mar 4, 2018 | Legislation, March 2018 Faculty Voice, Negotiations, Struggle in the Courts
by David Lau Spring Semester 2018 at the Outset CCFT has held several meetings in the opening weeks of the semester. It is a season of transition for our local and for Cabrillo College. For flex week we welcomed our new executive director, Daniel Dodge, the former...
by CCFT | Mar 4, 2018 | Budget, Contract Development, Guided Pathways, March 2018 Faculty Voice, Negotiations, Non-credit Courses
by Karl Ewald Welcoming Daniel Dodge When I last wrote to you in December, we were preparing to interview candidates for CCFT’s Executive Director position. We had a strong group of candidates and were excited to invite Daniel Dodge to join our team. Daniel comes to...
by CCFT | Dec 3, 2017 | Budget, Contract Development, December 2017, Guided Pathways, Negotiations, Uncategorized
by Karl Ewald Cabrillo’s Internal Economy The College Planning Committee (CPC) has had several discussions in recent weeks around the idea of forming a Budget sub-committee. No specific structures have been identified. Mostly the discussion has centered around what...
by CCFT | Sep 19, 2017 | Accreditation, Budget, Contract Development, Elections, Guided Pathways, Negotiations, Non-credit Courses, President's Report, September 2017 Faculty Voice
by Karl Ewald As you’ve probably figured out, I’m a big picture guy and my strategy has almost always included trying to reach outside my designated bounds to try to change the context in which I’m working. My feeling is that the health of CCFT and...
by CCFT | May 5, 2017 | Contract Development, May 2017 Faculty Voice, Negotiations, Part-timers
by CCFTNew moms and dads can now use up to 12 weeks of paid sick leave to bond with a new child. This applies to biological parents within the first year of her or his infant’s birth as well as non-biological parents within the first year of adopting a child.The most...