Faculty Voice

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: COPE Out and About
by CCFT Committee on Political Education (COPE) The Committee on Political Education coordinates faculty efforts on matters of a political nature and funds candidates, propositions, and causes that Cabrillo faculty— through their representatives on the […]

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: Summer Unemployment Workshop
by Katie Woolsey CCFT adjunct committee will hold an unemployment filling workshop from 10-noon on Tuesday, May 29th, in room 312. California state law guarantees all part-time, temporary faculty the right to file for unemployment benefits during a […]

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: CFT 2018 Convention Supports 80% Adjunct Teaching Load
by John Govsky The CFT, at its 2018 convention, passed a resolution stating that the CFT will work to change the California Education Code to raise the current cap on how much a part-timer can […]

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: Examining Budget Trends
by CCFT Negotiations Team Background Current District/CCFT Contract language (13.1) states, “The intent is that CCFT receive a fair share of increased revenues to be allocated toward the faculty total compensation package of salary and […]

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: Negotiations Update
by Karl Ewald I wanted to give you a quick update on negotiations as we approach the end of the year. As you are probably well aware, the governor’s January budget proposal included some significant […]

Faculty Voice: May 2018: CCFT President’s Report: Of Leaves and Wind
by Karl Ewald These are such strange times… No matter what your political leanings might be, what we are seeing in Washington seems unprecedented. While we were expecting bad winds coming from Washington with the […]

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: Interview with Ann Endris, Cabrillo College BSSOT Grant Manager
by Gail West To help me gain more understanding of the different terms that are associated with the BSSOT Project, I asked Ann to define and clarify the following: BSSOT is the Basic Skills Student […]

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: Spotlight on Community Organization: Sanctuary Santa Cruz’s DíGAME
by Andrea Patton Sanctuary Santa Cruz is a grassroots movement that arose in response to the current administration’s harmful rhetoric and policies that threaten our neighbors and loved ones in the immigrant community. The group […]

Faculty Voice Newsletter: May 2018: The Origins of AFT Local 4400: a Profile of Julie Olsen Edwards
by David Lau There is an intensity and vehemence of purpose in the voice of Julie Olsen Edwards. The daughter of two leftists—Tillie Olsen, the journalist and legend of the short story, was her mother; […]