by CCFT | Nov 25, 2016 | Elections, November 2016 Faculty Voice
Tobin W. Keller & Sadie Reynolds While the shocking presidential election results have sent the world into a tailspin, California’s statewide elections handed us several victories, among them the passage of Prop 55. On October 19, CCFT held a YES on Prop 55 rally...
by CCFT | Oct 16, 2016 | Elections, Oct. 2016 Faculty Voice, Struggle in the Courts
by David Lau ACCJC Back On Campus at CCSF Stuck in an interminable accreditation crisis, City College of San Francisco faces yet another battle with ACCJC that could result in revocation and College closure. Monday October 10, the rogue commission was back on campus....
by CCFT | Oct 16, 2016 | Elections, Oct. 2016 Faculty Voice, President's Report
by Karl Ewald I don’t think I’ve ever felt a semester move by so quickly. I suppose in saying that I should emphasize that I mean this in a positive sense! I attribute much of this to the many facets of my new role in CCFT. Each day reveals another aspect of the...
by CCFT | Sep 10, 2016 | Budget, Elections, September 2016 faculty voice
Steve Schessler If you think back four years to 2012, you may remember the huge campaign around Proposition 30 – following our great success then, Prop 30 funds currently comprise 14% of our total revenue ($8.6 million). We’re about to lose that...
by CCFT | Sep 10, 2016 | Elections, Guided Pathways, September 2016 faculty voice, Student Equity
Robin McFarland and Skye Gentile Faculty senate continues to focus on student equity and student success. With that in mind, at every meeting we devote some time to the topic of Guided Pathways. Many of you attended the Guided Pathways Institute that was presented by...
by CCFT | May 5, 2016 | Elections, May 2016
by Michael Mangin, Robin McFarland, and Conrad Scott-Curtis The State of California no longer automatically funds deferred maintenance and facilities upgrades for community colleges. Instead taxpayers in local districts are asked to fund college facility needs through...