by CCFT | May 17, 2018 | Budget, Contract Development, Elections, May 2018, Student Equity
by Karl Ewald These are such strange times… No matter what your political leanings might be, what we are seeing in Washington seems unprecedented. While we were expecting bad winds coming from Washington with the appointment of Betsy Devos, perhaps the mostly...
by CCFT | Dec 3, 2017 | December 2017, Elections
by David Lau Postscript to Napolitano’s Visit And so now the tide begins to turn. University of California President Napolitano’s visit to Cabrillo College coincided with another wave of criticism of her management at UCOP. A new investigative report from former...
by CCFT | Sep 19, 2017 | Accreditation, Budget, Contract Development, Elections, Guided Pathways, Negotiations, Non-credit Courses, President's Report, September 2017 Faculty Voice
by Karl Ewald As you’ve probably figured out, I’m a big picture guy and my strategy has almost always included trying to reach outside my designated bounds to try to change the context in which I’m working. My feeling is that the health of CCFT and...
by CCFT | May 5, 2017 | Elections, May 2017 Faculty Voice, Student Equity
by David Lau Victoria Bañales has taught at Cabrillo since 2005, the year she finished her doctorate in Literature at UC Santa Cruz. In addition to her doctorate, she holds degrees from UC Santa Barbara and San Francisco State. She is a distinguished colleague in the...
by CCFT | Apr 4, 2017 | Accreditation, april 2017 faculty voice, Elections, Legislation, Repeatability, Student Equity
David Lau The California Federation of Teachers annual convention took place this year in the sharp contradictions of downtown Sacramento. The walk between small numbers of upscale restaurants in the hotel district was crowded with destitute people. The corporate...
by CCFT | Feb 12, 2017 | Elections, Feb 2017 Faculty Voice
The Committee on Political Education coordinates faculty efforts on matters of a political nature and funds candidates, propositions, and causes that Cabrillo faculty— through their representatives on the CCFT Council— choose to support. COPE funds are generated from...