OCTOBER 25-29, 2021

This week is Campus Equity Week, a state and national level initiative to raise awareness about the working conditions of faculty working on temporary, low-paid contracts. Each day this week I will be sharing information with you, inviting you to participate in these brief “equity pauses” each day to promote education, empathy, and activism for adjunct faculty. As with most other inequities that have been brought to the forefront by the pandemic, contingent faculty, the essential professionals that make up the majority of faculty across higher education, have struggled with increased precarity during this time.
As we continue our institutional work on diversity, equity, and inclusion, I invite you to commit to including conversations and considerations about parity for “part-time” faculty in whatever capacity you serve at the college. Simply put, faculty working conditions are student learning conditions. Much of what students need to be successful, engaged learners, and to feel a sense of belonging at our institution are the same things that contingent faculty need to be successful, effective teachers, and to feel a sense of belonging in their departments, shared governance, and across the campus.
On that note, Monday’s focus for Campus Equity Week is “Meet the Precariat: The Essential Professionals of Cabrillo College.” These Padlet posts include a number of personal stories from our colleagues sharing what they love about their job, the challenges they face as an adjunct, and what they would like to see change.
Thank you for your time. Grateful for you all and for all you do in our shared mission.
Truly, Rachel (CCFT Adjunct Chair)