by Tobin Keller | Dec 2, 2019 | 2019 Faculty Voice, COPE, Faculty Voice
The third and final installment of Karl Ewald’s video series. In this video Karl focuses on the actual dollar amount attached to pro...
by Tobin Keller | Oct 28, 2019 | 2019 Faculty Voice, April 2017 faculty voice, COPE, Faculty Voice
CCFT COPE Chair, Albi Romero Our Cabrillo Bond Forum, held last Wednesday evening, was a successful and informative discussion on all aspects of the 274.1 million dollar bond measure planned for the March election. The forum was led by, CCFT COPE Chair, Albi...
by Tobin Keller | Oct 20, 2019 | COPE, Uncategorized
This Wednesday, October 23rd, 5:30 – 7 p.m., Sesnon House
by Tobin Keller | Oct 9, 2019 | 2019 Faculty Voice, COPE, Faculty Voice, Uncategorized
Robert Reich explains why labor unions impact the middle class and raise wages. Robert Reich explains why labor unions impact the middle class and raise...
by Tobin Keller | Oct 9, 2019 | 2019 Faculty Voice, Contract Development, Faculty Voice, Uncategorized
What does it mean to add steps to all salary schedules? Comparing steps and class columns. This series of three short videos was produced by Karl Ewald, CCFT Chief Negotiator, and the CCFT negotiation team in response to member’s interest in our compensation...