by CCFT | Oct 31, 2014 | Accreditation, Faculty Voice, Oct. 2014 Faculty Voice, President's Report
by Conrad Scott-Curtis This week, San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera’s suit against the ACCJC has gone to trial in San Francisco Superior Court. The suit, filed in August of 2013, alleges that ACCJC, the accrediting agency for California’s 112 community...
by CCFT | Oct 31, 2014 | Faculty Voice, Oct. 2014 Faculty Voice
by Eric Hoffman If you believe an evaluation or other meeting with an administrator may lead to discipline, such as loss of assignment or placement on administrative leave, you have what are called Weingarten Rights—the right to have a CCFT representative at any...
by CCFT | Oct 31, 2014 | Budget, Faculty Voice, Oct. 2014 Faculty Voice
by Joanne Noto, Toni Alderson, and Bridgete Clark The Cabrillo College Administration has recently mandated that the Dental Hygiene Program will not be taking an incoming class in summer 2015. The Dental Hygiene Program disagrees with this mandate. Since College...
by CCFT | Oct 31, 2014 | Faculty Voice, Legislation, Oct. 2014 Faculty Voice
by Maya Bendotoff AB 1606, a bill signed by Governor Brown in June, 2014 will open the pathway to additional paid bonding time for new parents. According to the provisions of the new law, academic employees may take up to 30 days paid in a school year to bond with a...
by CCFT | Oct 31, 2014 | Faculty Voice, Oct. 2014 Faculty Voice, QPEC, Repeatability
by Maya Bendotoff CCFT, at the request of faculty members and in conjunction with our Quality Public Education Campaign, continues to work on various levels to advocate for changes to repeatability regulations that limit student access and success. A small group of...