by CCFT | Dec 12, 2014 | Dec. 2014 Faculty Voice, Elections, Faculty Voice, QPEC
Sadie Reynolds Your COPE and CCFT’s Quality Public Education Campaign (QPEC) Leadership Team on Council were busy this fall, helping to engage and educate the campus community politically in advance of the mid-term elections. During the week of October 13, four...
by CCFT | Dec 12, 2014 | Budget, Dec. 2014 Faculty Voice, Negotiations, President's Report, Retirement
Conrad Scott-Curtis CCFT has several projects underway, including continued work on repeatability, faculty evaluation, funding for adjunct ancillary activities, and discussion with CFT and state political leadership concerning priorities for next year’s California...
by CCFT | Dec 12, 2014 | Dec. 2014 Faculty Voice, Faculty Voice, Part-timers, Uncategorized
Adjunct faculty members without sufficient earnings from other employment may be eligible for unemployment insurance over winter break. “Underemployed” adjuncts may be able to receive reduced benefits. To maximize benefits, adjuncts should apply as soon as possible...
by CCFT | Dec 12, 2014 | Dec. 2014 Faculty Voice, Faculty Voice, QPEC, Uncategorized
Ann Endris During the Fall 2014 Flex Week, staff from the organization Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC) facilitated a workshop about supporting undocumented students. The overwhelming feedback by faculty and staff who attended was “We want more!” In response to...
by CCFT | Dec 12, 2014 | Dec. 2014 Faculty Voice, Faculty Voice, Legislation, Repeatability, Uncategorized
Susan Stuart, Theatre Arts Faculty In the fall of 2013, CCFT (Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers) held an evening town-hall forum at Sesnon House on issues relevant to quality public education. We were interested in what students, faculty, and community members...